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Author: Allison Sylte

9NEWS: CU offering certificate in ‘Applied Shakespeare’

(Above: Timothy Orr directs a rehearsal of “Wittenberg.” Photo by Jennifer M Koskinen.)

Valorous news! Thee can anon receiveth a certificate f’r studying the fine w’rks of the greatest playwright the w’rld hast ev’r seen.

The above sentence is an example of “Applied Shakespeare,” which, coincidentally, is also the name of the latest graduate certificate offered by the University of Colorado – Boulder.

The university announced Tuesday that it will become the first in the nation to offer this educational opportunity, which it describes as a “hybrid online and immersive nine-credit course” that takes place in the classroom, on the stage and online.

What exactly does “Applied Shakespeare” entail? While there’s no indication that it involves using insults like “rampallian” and “thine face is not worth sunburning,” it does involve stage combat, script reading and Elizabethian history.

The course, which will be offered in summer 2017, also involves watching rehearsals, attending plays and learning how to teach Shakespeare.

Read the full article here.