Zachary Carrettin
Zachary Carrettin has performed as violinist and conductor in more than twenty-five countries on four continents, dazzling audiences with a sense of freedom, poetic depth, and brilliant virtuosity.
A dynamic conductor and and wildly expressive violin soloist, Zachary has led symphony orchestras and choruses across Europe, the U.S., and South America. He performs as violinist in the duo Mystery Sonata with pianist Mina Gajic, and on baroque violin with trio Aeris. Not one to be bound by self-prescribed limitations, he frequently presents the unaccompanied works for violin and cello by J.S. Bach on electric violin and cello da spalla.
Zachary has held university positions as Director of Orchestras at Sam Houston State University, interim Director of Early Music ensembles at University of Colorado-Boulder, and Violin/Viola teacher at University of St. Thomas.
He has premiered numerous works by living composers, while resurrecting the forgotten works of great artists of the past.
Currently he is the Music Director of the Boulder Bach Festival.