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Mya Lixian Gosling

Mya Lixian Gosling

Hi there! My name is Mya Lixian Gosling and I'm the artist and author of Good Tickle Brain and Sketchy Beta, and the artist and co-author of Keep Calm and Muslim On. In a recent past life I was a library cataloger, but I'm now working full-time drawing stick figure comics, which is pretty cool when you stop to think about it.

My father introduced me to Shakespeare when I was eight or nine years old, and I've been addicted ever since. Initially it was just the classics, "Henry V"  and "Hamlet"  and "Twelfth Night" and so forth, but then I got really into the history cycles and now I'm hitting the hard stuff, like "Cymbeline."

In addition to Shakespeare, I also love geeking out about operetta, musical theatre, soccer, board games, languages, fantasy and historical fiction, and a number of other things.

When not drawing comics, I can be found climbing at my local climbing gym. I'm primarily an indoor climber, due to living in a fairly flat state, but I'm hoping to get outdoors more often. 

As you can probably tell, I'm really not much of an artist. However, a lack of talent has never stopped anyone on the internet before. 

Good Tickle Brain, my "main" comic, is the world's foremost (and possibly only) stick-figure Shakespeare webcomic. It was created in 2013 and updates every Tuesday and Thursday.
