CSF in the Schools: The Tempest (2020)
Packages $650-$1200 (subsidy funding available)
- Presented by: Colorado Shakespeare Festival
- Intermission: None
The rarer action is in virtue than in vengeance.
The Tempest
Touring: September 2019 - April 2020
Performance: 30 minutes
Workshops: 50 minutes
Grades: 3-5
When all his enemies are shipwrecked on his magical island home, Prospero must choose between seeking revenge, or forgiving those who did him wrong.
Workshops will focus on empathy, teamwork, and how to be an "upstander" (someone who choose to help when they see mistreatment), using roleplay scenarios from the play.
CSF is also touring Romeo and Juliet for grades 6+.
Shakespeare & Violence Prevention
Colorado Shakespeare Festival’s touring program uses live performance and the latest school violence research. Students improve their Shakespeare literacy AND learn safe and effective intervention strategies they can use when they see mistreatment happening around them.
How does it work? Professional actors from CSF perform an abridged Shakespeare play onsite at your school (no field trips required), followed by classroom workshops that help students connect situations in the play to situations they face every day. Students can step into the shoes of characters from the play and roleplay creative solutions.
Pricing: $650-$1200
Subsidies available for qualified schools.
Download the Study Guide for The Tempest
Read morePackage & Pricing Information
Package |
Performances* |
Time at school |
2 performances |
6 workshops |
5 hours |
$1200 |
1 performance |
9 workshops |
5 hours |
$1200 |
1 performance |
6 workshops |
3-4 hours |
$1000 |
1 performance |
4 workshops |
2 hours |
$800 |
1 performance |
3 workshops |
2 hours |
$650 |
* The number of students attending any given performance is dependent on the seating and acoustic capacity of the available performance space. 270 is an estimated cap.
**Subsidies available for qualified schools.
In about 5 hours at your school:
2 performances (up to 270 students each, depending on your performance space)
6 post-show classroom workshops (up to 30 students each)
*workshops can be conducted 3 at a time
Package price: $1200
Sample schedule:
9-9:50 a.m. Performance #1
10:10-11 a.m. (3) Workshops
11-12 p.m. Lunch Break
12-12:50 p.m. Performance #2
1:10-2 p.m. (3) Workshops
This package is great for schools who want to reach the widest student population with the performance, while targeting the Upstander workshops to specific grades or groups. This package is also great for schools with a wide range of ages (K-12 or K-8 schools) – CSF could perform both The Tempest (for grades 3-5) AND Romeo and Juliet (for grades 6+) in the same day.
In about 5 hours at your school:
1 performance (up to 270 students, depending on your performance space)
9 post-show classroom workshops (up to 30 students each)
*workshops can be conducted 3 at a time
Package price: $1200
Sample schedule:
9-9:50 a.m. Performance
10:10-11 a.m. (3) Workshops
11:10-12 p.m. (3) Workshops
12-1 p.m. Lunch Break
1-1:50 p.m. (3) Workshops
This package is great for schools who want to make sure every student who sees the performance also experiences the classroom workshop – This is the deepest engagement for the widest number of students.
In about 3-4 hours at your school:
1 performance (up to 270 students, depending on your performance space)
6 post-show classroom workshops (up to 30 students each)
*workshops can be conducted 3 at a time
Package price: $1000
Sample schedule:
9-9:50 a.m. Performance
10:10-11 a.m. (3) Workshops
11:10-12 p.m. (3) Workshops
with extra workshop(s)
In about 2 hours at your school:
1 performance (up to 270 students, depending on your performance space)
4 post-show classroom workshops (up to 30 students each)
*Because this package requires additional staffing, it may not be available for all touring dates.
Package price: $800
Sample morning schedule:
9-9:50 a.m. Performance
10:10-11 a.m. (4) Workshops
Sample afternoon schedule:
1-1:50 p.m. Performance
2:10-3 p.m. (4) Workshops
This package is great for schools who want to target Upstander workshops on a particular grade or group that’s slightly larger than Package E allows for.
In about 2 hours at your school:
1 performance (up to 270 students, depending on your performance space)
3 post-show classroom workshops (up to 30 students each)
Package price: $650
Sample morning schedule:
9-9:50 a.m. Performance
10:10-11 a.m. (3) Workshops
Sample afternoon schedule:
1-1:50 p.m. Performance
2:10-3 p.m. (3) Workshops
This package is great for schools on a budget, or who want to target Upstander workshops on a particular grade or group (while inviting a larger population to the performance)
Questions? Ready to reserve a date for your school? Call us at 303-735-1181 or [email us]
Center for the Study and Prevention of Violence
Program Partner
+Office for Public and Community-Engaged Scholarship
Program Sponsor
+Artistic Team
Kevin Rich*
Royce Roeswood
Peter Henry Bussian
Rhianna DeVries
+Director of Outreach
Amanda Giguere
+Outreach Staff
Heidi Schmidt