Mary Rippon Theatre

Give to CSF

Your gift helps support:

  • Artists’ wages
  • Lighting and sound equipment
  • Safety equipment and training for technical crews
  • Purchase of costume and crafts materials, wigs and stage weaponry
  • Education and outreach
  • Honoraria for crafts artisans
  • Maintenance and upgrades for the Rippon and University theatre

The Colorado Shakespeare Festival is a professional theatre in residence at the University of Colorado. The University provides space for CSF and covers a small part of other expenses, but the festival is, in the main, self-sustaining. Gifts are essential to our existence and we very much appreciate your financial support. Thank you for supporting the arts!

Give online now to:

To speak to an advancement officer, call 303-492-3450.

Gifts may be also be sent to:

CU Foundation
P.O. Box 17126
Denver, CO 80217-0126

Please make checks payable to The University of Colorado Foundation

Meet Our Sponsors

Several local companies provide key support to the festival and highly value the arts in our community.

Our Sponsors - Meet Our Sponsors


From gardening to technical work, there are so many ways to get involved with CSF.

Learn more - Volunteer

Colorado Shakespeare Festival Sponsors