Author: Kelly Dean Hansen, Camera Classical Music Writer

DAILY CAMERA: Takács Quartet members enter 2016 with Grammy aspirations, Beethoven book due out

The group has received its fifth Grammy nomination.

Edward Dusinberre, first violinist of Boulder’s renowned Takács Quartet, always has balanced a warm accessibility with a devotion to providing an artistic product of the highest quality and standard. The quartet, and Dusinberre in particular, have achieved significant milestones in recent months.

Most notable among these is Takács fifth Grammy Award nomination, for a recording of Shostakovich works with pianist Marc-André Hamelin. In addition, the quartet recently premiered a large new work — commissioned for the quartet — by composer Timo Andres at Carnegie Hall (the piece also was performed at the group’s Boulder venue, Grusin Music Hall).

And Dusinberre has written a book about the process of preparing and performing Beethoven’s string quartets, which have formed a strong core of the Takács repertoire.

The book, titled “Beethoven for a Later Age: Living with the String Quartets,” is available in the United Kingdom and will be published in the United States in May by University of Chicago Press.

Dusinberre took time during preparations for Takács’ performances at Grusin Hall (4 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 10, and 7:30 p.m. Monday, Jan. 11) to talk with the Camera about all that’s going on

“We have no doubt that our home audience in Boulder appreciates what we do, but it’s always nice to refresh people’s memories,” he said, with an almost disarming humility, of the quartet’s…

Read the full article by Kelly Dean Hansen here.

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